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Western PA

PA Fun Fact
Did you know that the city of Pittsburgh was originally an important fort in the French and Indian War? Strategically located at the nexus of three major rivers, the British and French traded control of Fort Pitt, when in British hands, and Fort Dusquene, when in French hands. (At left: The Blockhouse (1764), the oldest existent structure in Pittsburgh.

Pittsburgh Fun Fact
Did you know that the Rooney family has owned the Pittsburgh Steelers since 1933? Art Rooney Sr. purchased the team for $2,500 cash, money he had recently earned from betting on horses.

Things to do in Western PA
Mount Washington, Pittsburgh Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh Phipps Conservatory, Pittsburgh Presque Isle Bay, Erie

PA Links

Southeastern PA
Northeastern PA
Central PA
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Erie Times-News